New Practice Information
The practice name is
All Aboard Integrative Medicine, LLC
Address: 11530 Allisonville Road, Suite 175
Fishers, IN 46038
Phone: 317-348-3228
Fax: 855-611-7807
The web address is
The practice will be similar, but with primary focus on treating kids with developmental and behavioral challenges. Practice will be cash pay. We will not take insurance. Superbills will be provided for insurance reimbursement. Charges for visits (subject to change), will be $550 for new patients and $325 for follow up visits..
If you are a parent of a new patient interested in seeing Dr. Hulseman please call us or use the contact form on the website with patient information to include name, date of birth, address, contact phone number and e-mail. Someone will then contact you to schedule an appointment.
To learn more about this type of care, please visit In the future, Dr. Hulseman will give new patient informational talks, free of charge, at the new office and via video link.
For more information about Dr. Hulseman and biomedical treatment, click here.