About Us
Dr. Hulseman has left Community Health Network. The link to the new practice website is here.
HulsemanMD.com was established as an online store where patients of Dr. Mary Lou Hulseman can purchase supplements from companies with high standards, and designed specifically with autism treatment in mind. It is solely owned and operated by her. We reserve the right not to fill orders that are from people who are not her patients. If such orders are placed, they will not be filled. Refunds may be requested. Dr. Hulseman is a board certified family physician who practices in Indianapolis, Indiana and provides integrative, holistic consultation care for children and adults with autism spectrum and related disorders. Her practice focuses on healthy lifestyle and targeted nutritional supplementation to address underlying medical problems in these individuals. Specific vitamins and supplements are extremely important as part of this care. Unfortunately, not all vitamins are produced equally well. Some are not as potent or as effective as others. In addition, poor manufacturing may lead to no benefit or possible harm.
Please keep in mind that we are a very small business. From time to time the store will need to be closed for up to 2 weeks, if we are away. We will notify established customers of these closures by e-mail in time for them to order early or find another vendor. We will also post closures on our Home page.
This site is for ordering supplements and related products only. If you have medical questions, you must ask them from Dr. Hulseman (or your health care provider) during a medical evaluation, or other communication used through the medical practice. Nothing on this site intended as medical advice. If you ask medical questions thru this site, they will not be answered.
We welcome feedback. Please feel free to comment on the website and to let us know if you would like a supplement made available on the site. We will make every effort to accommodate your request. Our goal is to make this site as easy, secure and stress-free to use as possible.